cat at lukamore
Ruslan and Lyudmila by Alexander Pushkin (translated by Roger Clarke)
By an arc of sea a green oak stands;
to the oak a chain of gold is tied;
and at the chain's end night and day
a learned cat walks round and round.
Rightwards he goes, and sings a song;
leftwards, a fairy tale he tells.
There's magic! It's a wood sprite's haunt-
a rusalka sits among the boughs-
on footpaths no one has explored
are tracks of beasts no one has seen-
a hut stands there on chicken's legs,
no windows in its walls, nor doors-
unumbered wraiths stalk wood and dale-
at dawn the ocean waves roll in
and surge across the empty sands,
while from the limpid waters strides
a troop of thirty champions,
fine men, and their sea-tutor too-
a kind's son passing by the way
takes prisoner an awesome tsar-
up in the clouds for all to see
above the sweep of woods and waves
a wizard hauls a warrior brave-
a princess pines in prison there,
a brown-haired wold her loyal page-
a mortar in a witch's form
moves to and fro as if alive-
frail Tsar Kashchey wilts by his gold.
The place breathes Russia... recks of Rus!
I was there once: I sipped some mead;
I saw the green oak by the sea;
I sat beneath it, while the cat,
that learned cat, told me his tales.
Once of those tales I still recall,
and this I'll share now with you all...
bitsy hacks by Sean S. LeBlanc
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Thanks for the game!
I'm glad that the learned cat has finally had a day-off. He deserved it after all his years of service. Creative work is exhausting, after all.
Also, kudos for re-imagining the Russian classic. It was nice to see all those characters that I knew from childhood in a more relaxed and sort of 'behind the scene' setting.
aw thank you!!! im glad you enjoyed how i reimagined everyrhing, definitely means a lot to me!! i love the poem so much that this was very fun to do!!
nice game! thank you for making it <3<3<3
Nice use of colors and how you drew inspiration from the epic poem.
thank you :D i rly love the works of pushkin and just general russian folktales so hoping to make more such games :P
I really enjoyed this. Very relatable.
thanks <3
Very good mood rendering and colo--- Wait what? The avatar is 4 tiles-sized??? o_O
haha i told myself i'd use sean's new hack for something and thus i did~ :P
See, that's what happens if kitty doesn't get its daily portion of healthy cuddles! Well, hopefully tomorrow...
yeah this kitty needs a lot of cuddles but i'm sure they'll be feeling much better tomorrow.. :P
I love you managed to capture a kind of woodcut/textile visual aesthetic! THe beast noone has ever seen is my fav character.
aw thanks! i was trying a different style to how i usually draw my bitsy game so i'm glad you liked it :D glad you liked that little beast haha my mom kinda laughed at my design of them :P
This is nice, I really like how you've changed up the visuals in this game!
I kinda feel bad for the characters though, they're all a bit sad today
yeah tried something different mostly bc i hoped to get it done in one day haha and yeah its reflecting my feelings a lot at the moment ¯\_(・へ・)_/¯