small duck solves a murder
A gruesome murder took place at the pond.
Can the small duck detective solve the crime?
This is partially inspired by the Catman Murder Mysteries comic— mainly by the zine I own, "The Fish of Death." (Check it out, its rather short and very good!)
P.S. those who know, know, but those who dont.... well this is a semi sequel to big snail doesn't solve a murder lol
2022, no. 2
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when gur png fubj hc , v gubhtug vg jbhyq xvyy zr , sheesh.
...i am so confused xD uh thanks for playing!
Oh haha sorry
I use rot13 cause it has spoiler!
ooh haha sorry i never use that so got a bit confused! its all good tho
and lol! xD thatd be quite a plot twist..
this was cute and adorable. (minus, you know, the murder) I loved the puns!
haha thank you!!!! xD
beautiful game! you inspired me to make a game like this. thank you <3
omg thank you!!!!! i wish u all the energy and motivation for the endeavour!!!!
Loved it!
thank you!!!!!
What a story! I really loved it! Small duck need more cases for sure :)
thank you haha (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) maybe rhey will return! who knows >:P
thank you!!
This was really delightful and good, thank you!!
thank you! 💖💖
AAA this is soo good onion!! the twists and turns!!!
omg i just noticed the tiny duck on the title 🐤
heeheehee! <3
it's the prettiest bloody murder I've ever seen
🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️ thanks!!!!!! i quite enjoyed figuring out nice looking sprites for this in the editor itself!
that was quite fun! love the cute names
thank you!!! i had fun being.... uncreative for the names xD